Developing Equation Templates

For using existing models please refer to our neuron and synapse tutorials If you need a different model or you want to test a new idea it easy to use all of teili’s functionality with your custom model. There are two ways to test, develop and use your custom model

  1. Defining a static static dictionary

  2. Defining a set of templates

The first way allows you to quickly define a model inside a .py file as a dictionary. This way you can easily debug and test your new idea with fiddling with the EquationBuilder class. You can use the import_eq method to import your custm model into teili. See below_ for more details of how to create your custom dictionary. The second way is to define a template of your model and use the EquationBuilder class to dynamically build your model. This is a bit more tricky, but has the advantage that others can potentially use your model in the future. The second advantage is that you might just want to add a custom learning rule or a set of additional equations to calculate some proxy values, required for learning. So you intend to use the existing model, but want to change it’s e.g. learning dynamics. ‘Teili` provides a combine_equation method exactly for this case. For more details of how to do so, please see here

Defining static models (import_eq)

To create a custom model (locally) please follow these steps:

  1. Create a file in your desired directory: my/awesome/path/<>

  2. Import all necessary units from brian2

  3. Make a dictionary with the same name as your file: my_cool_model = {}

  4. Create four keys in case of a neuron model (model, threshold, reset and parameters) or in case of a synapse model (model, on_pre, on_post and parameters).


The name of the file and the name of the dictionary need to be same (without the .py extension).

The file (my/awesome/path/<>) should now look like this for neuron model:

from brian2.units import *

my_cool_model = {
        'refP' : '0.*second',


The neuron parameters dictionary needs at least a entry for the refractory period refP.

The file (my/awesome/path/<>) should look like this for a synapse model

from brian2.units import *

my_cool_model = {

Once you filled your dictionary with your model and/or standard model + custom equations, you can use the import_eq method to start using it.

from teili.core.groups import Neurons
from teili.models.builder.neuron_equation_builder import NeuronEquationBuilder

my_cool_neuron_model = NeuronEquationBuilder.import_eq('my/awesome/path/<>')
N = Neurons(1, equation_builder=my_cool_neuron_model,  name='my_cool_neuron' )


Please make sure you remove ‘<’ and ‘>’ from your strings.

Create new templates for dynamic model generation

As described above the second way to create and use your custom model is to extend the provided neuron/synapse templates and the neuron_models or synapse_models respectively.


To add new templates you have to fork and clone the repository. Details of how to contribute are given below. We highly recommend building and test your custom model using the static model import method described above, before fiddling with the dynamic model generation.

Neuronal templates

Navigate to the template sub-directory (teili/models/builder/templates) and open As described above the neuron model is defined as a dictionary in which the following keys are required: * ‘model’ * ‘threshold’ * ‘reset’

The parameters are defined separately here. your new entry to neuron_templates should look like this:

#As an example lets define a new voltage-based model
new_neuron_model = {
  'model': '''
  'threshold': ''' ''',

#define new parameters
new_neuron_model_params = {

At the end of the file, we need to associate the newly defined model and its parameters with keywords used by the EquiationBuilder. Each neuron model as two corresponding dictionaries. The first one is the equation_sets dictionary which depending on the base_unit is either called current_equation_sets or voltage_equation_sets. The second dictionary is the parameters dictionary which depending on the base_unit is either called current_parameters or voltage_parameters. The key in this dictionary needs to match die **kwargs given in the class initilisation and the value needs to match the name of the dictionary defined in That allows the EquationBuilder upon initialisation to dynamically assemble the respective equations into a coherent model. This functionality is especially useful when you e.g. just createdevelop a new threshold adaption mechanism, a different adaption current dynamics or a new plasticity rule. After the template was added the newly defined neuron model must be added to to be generated dynamically. The entry should look similar to this

class my_neuron_model(NeuronEquationBuilder):
    """This class provides you with all equations to simulate a current-based
    awesome model...

    def __init__(self, num_inputs=1):
        NeuronEquationBuilder.__init__(self, base_unit='current', adaptation='none',
                                      integration_mode='exponential', leak='leaky',
                                      position='spatial', awesome_new_feature='adp')


This is just an example.

Synapes templates

Navigate to the template sub-directory (teili/models/builder/templates) and open * Define your new model equations and the corresponding parameters in synapse models. * Synapse models have the following keywords: model, on_pre, on_post and parameters * Make sure that both the new model equations and the corresponding parameters are added in the Dictionary of keywords at the bottom of the file. * Neuron templates are divided into two main modes: current and voltage based equations. Each mode supports equations and parameters. * Synapse templates are divided based on function. Equations are divided based on modes, kernels, plasticity_models and new synaptic equations. * Synaptic modes are further devided into subcategories: current, DPI, conductance, DPIShunting or unit_less. * Create your model using the Neuron or SynapseEquationBuilder.

#As an example lets define a new current based kernel and create a new model
new_synapse_kernel = {
  'model': '''

  'on_pre': '''


#define new parameters
new_synapse_kernel_params = {

#include model in equations
kernels = {
      'new': new_synapse_kernel

#include parameters
current_parameters = {
  'new_kernel': new_synapse_kernel_params,

Once the templates are extendend you can add the model to located in teili/models/.

# Define the new model
class my_model(SynapseEquationBuilder):
    def __init__(self):
        SynapseEquationBuilder.__init__(self, base_unit='current', kernel = 'new_kernel')

 my_model = my_model()
 my_model.export_eq(os.path.join(path, "my_model"))

Create a new template using the unit_less dictionary

You might want to develop, test or define a plasticity mechanism or part of a neuron model which neither uses currents or voltages. Therefore, we provide a third dictionary called unit_less.

  • unit_less models follow the same proceduce as current or voltage based dictionaries.

  • Parameters to be defined to the unit_less dictionary while the model needs to be added to one of the model dictionaries.

  • When creating the synapse model base_unit should be defined as unit_less.

  • This can be usefull to define learning rules that involve gain modulation or activity modulation. (e.g. STDGM)

# Define the new model
class my_model(SynapseEquationBuilder):
    def __init__(self):
        SynapseEquationBuilder.__init__(self, base_unit='unit_less')

Combine equations and replace variables

A major strength of teili is its modularity. This starts already at the equation level. If you want to to e.g. test an existing synapse model with let’s say Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP), you don’t need to specify a complete new model. Instead you can initialise the EquationBuilder differently, such that the STDP template is combined with a DPI synapse using a Alpha -shaped kernel. Internally, the different equation sets are combined depending on the provided keyword arguments and equations which have a default definition but are defined differently in a given plasticity mechanism are replaced. We provide a method call var_replacer which uses the ‘%’ symbol to replace equations in the original set of equations. Compare e.g. the synapse_models: Alpha and AlphaStdp (located in teili/models/ and their respective templates (located in teili/models/builder/templates/ For more information see our documentation on the equation builder

How to contribute and publish your custom model

Once you tested your custom model locally, you can add a new template. To do so you need to work directly inside the library code. Head to the repository_ and do the following steps

  1. Fork the dev branch

  2. Clone the forked repository to your local system

  3. Create a new branch within your forked repository (e.g. git checkout -b new_branch + git remote add upstream URL_of_project)

  4. Follow the steps from our contribution guide

  5. Make your changes, add appropriate unite tests and push it to your repository.

You can create a pull request to add your remote change to teili

  • Click compare & pull request button on github.

  • Click create pull request to open a new pull request

  • Wait for us to approve it and give you feedback :)