Equation Builder

The equation builder serves as a dynamic model generator. It takes model templates, located in teili/models/builder/templates/ and combines these template snippets using teili/models/builder/combine.py.

There are two distinct equation builder classes:

  • NeuronEquationBuilder

  • SynapseEquationBuilder

Each builder is wrapped by a neuron/synapse model generator class located in teili/models/:

  • neuron_model

  • synapse_model

Keyword arguments for builder

In order to generate a neuron/synapse model, its builder needs to be initialized by specifying a base_unit and a set of values which will define the model itself and thus which template equation/parameters are combined.

The values that determine the model should be passed by defining a keyword which explains the functionality.

NeuronEquationBuilder keywords

from teili.models.builder.neuron_equation_builder import NeuronEquationBuilder
num_inputs = 2
my_neuron_model = NeuronEquationBuilder.__init__(base_unit='current',
                                                 noise = 'None')

The keywords used in the example and the values are explained below:

  • base_unit: Indicates whether the neuron model is current or voltage based.

  • adaptation: Determines what type of adaptive feedback should be used. Can be calciumfeedback or None.

  • integration_mode: Determines how the neuron integrates up to spike-generation. Can be linear or exponential.

  • leak: Enables leaky integration. Can be leaky or non_leaky.

  • position: To enable spatial-like position indices (x, y) about the position of a neuron in space. Can be spatial or None.

  • noise: Determines what type of distribution is used to inject noise into the neuron. Can be gaussian or None.

Custom keywords (such as gain_modulation or activity_modulation) can be added by defining a custom equation template in teili/models/builder/templates/neuron_templates.py and adding the keyword to either the current_equation_sets or to the voltage_equation_sets dictionary. When defining a new neuron model, import the new feature by passing the newly constructed keyword to the NeuronEquationBuilder.


The Neurons class a num_inputs property. This allows the user to define how many different afferent connections this particular neuron population has to expect. The default is set to 1. Do not define more inputs than you expect. See below for how to use this property.

SynapseEquationBuilder keywords

from teili.models.builder.synapse_equation_builder import SynapseEquationBuilder
my_synapse_model = SynapseEquationBuilder.__init__(base_unit='DPI',

The keywords used in the example and the values are explained below:

  • base_unit: Indicates whether synapse uses current, conductance or DPI current models.

  • kernel: Specifies temporal kernel with which each spike gets convolved. Can be exponential, resonant or alpha.

  • plasticity: Plasticity algorithm for the synaptic weight. Can either be non_plastic, fusi or stdp.

Custom keywords (such as new learning rules or new kernels) can be added by defining a custom equation template in teili/models/builder/templates/synapse_templates.py and adding the keywords to the synaptic_equations dictionary. When defining a new synapse model, import the new feature by passing the newly constructed keyword to the SynapseEquationBuilder.

Equations that do not fit into the existing synaptic modes: current, conductance, DPI, DPI shunting can be grouped into the unit_less mode and the equation needs to be added to the unit_less_parameters dictionary.

Dictionary structure

Both EquationBuilders a dictionary attribute, the keys of which represent the keywords necessary to generate a neuron or synapse model in order to simulate it using brian2. The keywords given to the EquationBuilder class are used to select template dictionaries which are combined. This is done by passing these keywords to current_equation_sets and current_parameters in the case of neurons and to modes, kernels, plasticity_models and current_parameters in the case of synapses.

# In the case of neurons
keywords = combine_neu_dict(eq_templ, param_templ)
# In the case of synapses
keywords = combine_syn_dict(eq_tmpl, param_templ)

Neuron model keywords

The dictionary keywords has the following keys:

keywords = {'model': keywords['model'],
            'threshold': keywords['threshold'],
            'reset': keywords['reset'],
            'refractory': 'refP',
            'parameters': keywords['parameters']}

Synapse model keywords

The dictionary keywords has the following keys:

keywords = {'model': keywords['model'],
            'on_pre': keywords['on_pre'],
            'on_post': keywords['on_post'],
            'parameters': keywords['parameters']}

Class methods


A function to import pre-defined neuron_model. This function can load a dictionary and its keywords in order to initialize the EquationBuilder.

from teili.models.builder.neuron_equation_builder import NeuronEquationBuilder

my_neu_model = NeuronEquationBuilder.import_eq(
    '~/teiliApps/equations/DPI', num_inputs=2)

where num_inputs specifies how many distinct neuron populations project to the target population.

For synapses the import works as follows:

from teili.models.builder.synapse_equation_builder import SynapseEquationBuilder

my_syn_model = SynapseEquationBuilder.import_eq(


In order to generate models which can later be changed manually and imported again, the EquationBuilder class features an export method which can be used as follows:

path = '/home/YOU/teiliApps/equations/'
DPI = NeuronEquationBuilder(base_unit='current', adaptation='calcium_feedback',
                            integration_mode='exponential', leak='leaky',
                            position='spatial', noise='none')
DPI.export_eq(os.path.join(path, "DPI"))

For synapse models:

path = '/home/YOU/teiliApps/equations/`)
dpi_syn = SynapseEquationBuilder(base_unit='DPI',

dpi_syn.export_eq(os.path.join(path, "DPISyn"))


The path can be any existing path. You do not need to store your models within the teiliApps directory.


This function takes two equation sets in the form of strings and replaces all lines which start with ‘%’.

'%x = theta' --> 'x = theta'
'%x' --> ''

This feature allows equations that we don’t want to compute to be removed from the template by writing ‘%[variable]’ in the other equation blocks.

To replace variables and lines:

from teili.models.builder.combine import var_replacer
var_replacer(first_eq, second_eq, params)