Source code for teili.core.groups

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Wrapper class for brian2 Group class.

    * Check if `shared` works for neuron as well.
    * Raise error (understandable)
        if addStateVariable is called before synapses are connected.
    * Find out, if it is possible to have delay as state variable for Connections.
    * Some functionality of the package is not compatible with subgroups yet.
    * This: `self.register_synapse = self.source.register_synapse` is not ideal,
        as it is not necessary to register a synapse for subgroups!
# @Author: alpren, mmilde
# @Date:   2017-27-07 17:28:16
import os
import importlib
import numpy as np
import warnings
import inspect
from brian2 import NeuronGroup, Synapses, Group, Subgroup, Nameable
from collections import OrderedDict
from matplotlib.pyplot import figure, xlabel, \
    ylabel, plot, subplot, xlim, ylim, xticks
from numpy import ones, zeros

from teili.models import neuron_models
from teili.models import synapse_models
from teili.models.builder.neuron_equation_builder import NeuronEquationBuilder
from teili.models.builder.synapse_equation_builder import SynapseEquationBuilder
from import Randn_trunc
from teili import constants
from scipy import size
from scipy.stats import truncnorm
from teili.models.parameters.no_mismatch_parameters import no_mismatch_neuron, \

[docs]class TeiliGroup(Group): """just a bunch of methods that are shared between neurons and connections class Group is already used by brian2. Attributes: standalone_params (dict): Dictionary of standalone parameters. standalone_vars (list): List of standalone variables. str_params (dict): Name of parameters to be updated. """ def __init__(self): """Summary """ self.standalone_vars = [] self.standalone_params = OrderedDict() self.str_params = {} self._tags = {}
[docs] def add_state_variable(self, name, unit=1, shared=False, constant=False, changeInStandalone=True): """This method allows you to add a state variable. Usually a state variable is defined in equations, that is changeable in standalone mode. If you pass a value, it will directly set it and decide based on that value, if the variable should be shared (scalar) or not (vector). Args: name (str): Name of state variable. unit (int, optional): Unit of respective state variable. shared (bool, optional): Flag to indicate if state variable is shared. constant (bool, optional): Flag to indicate if state variable is constant. changeInStandalone (bool, optional): Flag to indicate if state variable should be subject to on-line change in cpp standalone mode. """ if shared: size = 1 else: size = self.variables['N'].get_value() try: self.variables.add_array(name, size=size, dimensions=unit.dim, constant=constant, scalar=shared) # value.dim will throw an exception, if it has no unit except AttributeError: self.variables.add_array(name, size=size, constant=constant, scalar=shared) # dimensionless if changeInStandalone: self.standalone_vars += [name]
# self.__setattr__(name, value) # TODO: Maybe do that always?
[docs] def add_subexpression(self, name, dimensions, expr): """This method allows you to add a subexpression (like a state variable but a string that can be evaluated over time) You can e.g. add a timedArray like that: >>> neuron_group.add_subexpression('I_arr',nA.dim,'timed_array(t)') (be aware, that you need to add a state variable I_arr first, that is somehow connected to other variables, so run_regularly may be an easier solution for your problem) Args: name (str): name of the expression. dimensions (brian2.units.fundamentalunits.Dimension): dimension of the expression. expr (str): the expression. """ self.variables.add_subexpression( name=name, dimensions=dimensions, expr=expr)
[docs] def set_params(self, params, **kwargs): """This function sets parameters on members of a Teiligroup. Args: params (dict): Key and value of parameter to be set. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. Returns: dict: The parameters set. """ return set_params(self, params, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_params(self, params=None, verbose=False): """This function gets parameter values of neurons or synapses. In standalone mode, it only works after the simulation has been run. Args: params (list, optional): list of parameters that should be retrieved. If params = None (default), a dictionary of all parameters with their current values is returned Returns: dict: dictionary of parameters with their values """ states = self.get_states() if params is None: params = self._init_parameters paramdict = {p: states[p] for p in params} if verbose: print('\n') print('Parameters of ' + str( + ':') print_paramdict(paramdict) return paramdict
[docs] def update_param(self, parameter_name, verbose=True): """This is used to update string based params during run (e.g. with gui). Args: parameter_name (str): Name of parameter to be updated. """ for strPar in self.str_params: if parameter_name in self.str_params[strPar]: self.__setattr__(strPar, self.str_params[strPar]) if verbose: print(strPar, 'set to', self.str_params[strPar])
[docs] def print_equations(self): """This function print the equation underlying the TeiliGroup member. """ print("-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_") for key, value in sorted(self.equation_builder.keywords.items()): if type(value) == dict: print("Parameters:") paramdict = self.get_params() print_paramdict(paramdict) # for param_key, param_value in sorted(value.items()): # print(" {} : {}".format(param_key, param_value)) print("-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_") else: print("{} : {}".format(key, value)) print("-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_")
@property def model(self): """This property allows the user to only show the model of a given member. Returns: dict: Dictionary only containing model equations. """ return self.equation_builder.keywords['model']
[docs] def add_mismatch(self, std_dict=None, seed=None, verbose=False): """ This function is a wrapper for the method _add_mismatch_param() to add mismatch to a dictionary of parameters specified in the input dictionary (std_dict). Mismatch is drawn from a Gaussian distribution with mean equal to the parameter's current value. If no dictionary is given, 20% mismatch is added to all the parameters of the model except variables specified in the no_mismatch_parameter file. Note: if you want to specify also lower and upper bound of the mismatch distribution see _add_mismatch_param() which adds mismatch to a single parameter. Args: std_dict (dict, optional): dictionary of parameter names as keys and standard deviation as values. Standard deviations are expressed as fraction of the current parameter value. If empty, 20% of missmatch will be added to all variables (example: if std_dict = {'Itau': 0.1}, the new parameter value will be sampled from a normal distribution with standard deviation of 0.1*old_param, with old_param being the old parameter value) seed (int, optional): seed value for the random generator. Set the seed if you want to make the mismatch values reproducible across simulations. The random generator state before calling this method will be restored after the call in order to avoid effects to the rest of your simulation (default = None) Example: Adding mismatch to 100 DPI neurons. First create the neuron population (this sets parameter default values): >>> from teili.models.neuron_models import DPI >>> testNeurons = Neurons(100, equation_builder=DPI(num_inputs=2)) Store the old values as array: >>> old_param_value = np.copy(getattr(testNeurons, 'Itau')) Add mismatch to the neuron Itau with a standard deviation of 10% of the current bias values: >>> testNeurons.add_mismatch({'Itau': 0.1}) """ if std_dict is None: std_dict = {} parameters = list(self.equation_builder.keywords['parameters'].keys()) for i in parameters: std_dict[i] = 0.2 if std_dict is None: std_dict = {} parameters = list( self.equation_builder.keywords['parameters'].keys()) for i in parameters: if i not in no_mismatch_neuron: if i not in no_mismatch_synapse: std_dict[i] = 0.2 for parameter, std in std_dict.items(): self._add_mismatch_param(parameter, std, seed=seed)
[docs] def _add_mismatch_param(self, param, std=0, lower=None, upper=None, seed=None): """This function sets the input parameter (param) to a value (new_param) drawn from a normal distribution with standard deviation (std) expressed as a fraction of the current value (old_param). Args: param (str): name of the parameter to which the mismatch has to be added std (float): normalized standard deviation, expressed as a fraction of the current parameter (e.g.: std = 0.1 means that the new value will be sampled from a normal distribution with standard deviation of 0.1*old_param, with old_value being the current value of the attribute param) (default: 0) lower (float, optional): lower bound for the parameter mismatch, expressed as a fraction of the standard deviation, see note below. (default: -1/std) upper (float, optional): upper bound for the parameter mismatch, expressed as a fraction of the standard deviation, see note below. (default: inf) seed (int, optional): seed value for the random generator. Set the seed if you want to make the mismatch values reproducible across simulations. (default: None) NOTE: the outuput value (new_param) is drawn from a Gaussian distribution with parameters: mean: old_param standard deviation: std * old_param lower bound: lower * std * old_param + old_param (default: 0, i.e. lower = -1/std) upper bound: upper * std * old_param + old_param (default: inf) using the function truncnorm. For details, see: The seed will not work in standalone mode so far (TODO) Raises: NameError: if one of the specified parameters in the disctionary is not included in the model. AttributeError: if the input parameter to be changed does not have units UserWarning: if the lower bound is negative (i.e. if lower < -1/std) (e.g. if the specified parameter is a current, negative values are meaningless) Example: Adding mismatch to Itau in a population of 100 DPI neurons using _add_mismatch_param(). >>> from teili.models.neuron_models import DPI >>> testNeurons = Neurons(100, equation_builder=DPI(num_inputs=2)) >>> testNeurons._add_mismatch_param(param='Itau', std=0.1) This will truncate the distribution at 0, to prevent Itau to become negative. To specify also the lower bound as 2 times the standard deviation: >>> testNeurons._add_mismatch_param(param='Ith', std=0.1, lower=-2) TODO: Consider the mismatch for the parameter 'Cm' as a separate case. TODO: Add UserWarning if mismatch has been added twice both in numpy and standalone mode. """ if hasattr(self, param): if seed is not None: np_current_state = np.random.get_state() np.random.seed(seed) if std == 0: pass else: if lower is None: lower = -1 / std if lower < -1 / std: warnings.warn( "The output parameter can be negative." + "Set input lower between -1 and 0 to truncate" + "the distribution at 0") if upper is None: upper = float('inf') randn_trunc = Randn_trunc(lower, upper) self.namespace.update({ randn_trunc}) setattr(self, param, param + " * (1 + " + str(std) + ' * '"())") if seed is not None: np.random.set_state(np_current_state) else: raise NameError( 'Mismatch not added to {} because not included in the' + 'model parameters'.format(param))
[docs] def import_eq(self, filename): """Function to import pre-defined neuron/synapse models. Args: filename (str): path/to/your/ Usually synapse models can be found in teiliApps/models/equations. Returns: Dictionary: Dictionary keywords with all relevant kwargs, to generate model. """ # if only the filename without path is given, we assume it is one of # the predefined models fallback_import_path = filename if os.path.dirname(filename) is "": filename = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), 'teiliApps', 'models', 'equations', filename) if os.path.basename(filename) is "": dict_name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(filename)) else: dict_name = os.path.basename(filename) filename = os.path.join(filename, '') tmp_import_path = [] while os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(filename)) is not "": tmp_import_path.append(os.path.basename( os.path.dirname(filename))) filename = os.path.dirname(filename) importpath = ".".join(tmp_import_path[::-1]) try: eq_dict = importlib.import_module(importpath) keywords = eq_dict.__dict__[dict_name] except ImportError: spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(dict_name[:-3], fallback_import_path) eq_dict = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(eq_dict) keywords = eq_dict.__dict__[dict_name[:-3]] return keywords
[docs]class Neurons(NeuronGroup, TeiliGroup): """This class is a subclass of NeuronGroup. You can use it as a NeuronGroup, and everything will be passed to NeuronGroup. Alternatively, you can also pass an EquationBuilder object that has all keywords and parameters. Attributes: equation_builder (TYPE): Class which describes the neuron model equation and all properties and default parameters. See /model/builder/ and models/ initialized (bool): Flag to register Neurons' population with TeiliGroups. num_inputs (int): Number of possible synaptic inputs. This overcomes the summed issue present in brian2. num_synapses (int): Number of synapses projecting to post-synaptic neuron group. synapses_dict (dict): Dictionary with all synapse names and their respective synapse index. verbose (bool): Flag to print more details of neuron group generation. """ def __init__(self, N, equation_builder=None, parameters=None, method='euler', verbose=False, **Kwargs): """Initializes wrapper for brian2's NeuronGroup class. Args: N (int, required): Number of neurons in respective Neurons' groups. equation_builder (None, optional): Class which describes the neuron model equation and all porperties and default parameters. See /model/builder/ and models/ params (dict, optional): Dictionary of parameter's keys and values. method (str, optional): Integration method to solve the differential equation present in brian2. verbose (bool, optional): Flag to print more details of neuron group generation. **Kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. """ self.verbose = verbose self.num_synapses = 0 self.synapses_dict = {} self.parameters = parameters if equation_builder is not None: # if inspect.isclass(equation_builder): # self.equation_builder = equation_builder() if isinstance(equation_builder, dict): # if it is a dict, then just take it as it is # NeuronEquationBuilder just wraps the dict self.equation_builder = NeuronEquationBuilder( keywords=equation_builder) elif inspect.isclass(equation_builder): self.equation_builder = equation_builder() elif isinstance(equation_builder, str): self.equation_builder.keywords = import_eq(equation_builder) else: self.equation_builder = equation_builder # self.equation_builder.add_input_currents(num_inputs) Kwargs.update(self.equation_builder.keywords) Kwargs.update({'method': method}) Kwargs.pop('parameters') if parameters is not None: self._init_parameters = parameters print( "parameters you provided overwrite parameters from" + "EquationBuilder ") else: self._init_parameters = self.equation_builder.keywords[ 'parameters'] else: if parameters is None: self._init_parameters = {} else: self._init_parameters = parameters self.initialized = True TeiliGroup.__init__(self) NeuronGroup.__init__(self, N, **Kwargs) set_params(self, self._init_parameters, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def register_synapse(self, synapsename): """Registers a Synapse so we know the input number. It counts all synapses connected with one neuron group. Raises: ValueError: If too many synapses project to a given post-synaptic neuron group this error is raised. You need to increae the number of inputs parameter. Args: synapsename (str): Name of the synapse group to be registered. Returns: dict: dictionary with all synapse names and their respective synapse index. """ if synapsename not in self.synapses_dict: self.num_synapses += 1 self.synapses_dict[synapsename] = self.num_synapses if self.verbose: print('increasing number of registered Synapses of ' + + ' to ', self.num_synapses) return self.synapses_dict[synapsename]
[docs] def __setattr__(self, key, value): """Set attribute method. Args: key (TYPE): key of attribute to be set. value (TYPE): value of respective key to be set. """ NeuronGroup.__setattr__(self, key, value) if hasattr(self, 'name'): if key in self.standalone_vars and not isinstance(value, str): # we have to check if the variable has a value assigned or # is assigned a string that is evaluated by brian2 later # as in that case we do not want it here self.standalone_params.update({ + '_' + key: value}) if isinstance(value, str) and value != 'name' and value != 'when': # store this for later update self.str_params.update({key: value})
[docs] def __getitem__(self, item): """Taken from brian2/brian2/groups/ Args: item (TYPE): Description Returns: TeiliSubgroup: The respective neuron subgroup. Raises: IndexError: Error that indicates that size of subgroup set by start and stop is out of bounds. TypeError: Error to indicate that wrong syntax has been used. """ try: from brian2.groups.neurongroup import to_start_stop start, stop = to_start_stop(item, self._N) except ImportError: start, stop, step = item.indices(self._N) return TeiliSubgroup(self, start, stop)
[docs]class Connections(Synapses, TeiliGroup, Nameable): """This class is a subclass of Synapses. You can use it as a Synapses, and everything will be passed to Synapses. Alternatively, you can also pass an EquationBuilder object that has all keywords and parameters. Attributes: equation_builder (teili): Class which builds the synapse model. input_number (int): Number of input to post synaptic neuron. This variable takes care of the summed issue present in brian2. parameters (dict): Dictionary of parameter keys and values of the synapse model. verbose (bool): Flag to print more detail about synapse generation. """ def __init__(self, source, target, equation_builder=None, parameters=None, method='euler', input_number=None, name='synapses*', verbose=False, **Kwargs): """Initializes wrapper for brian2's Synapses class. Args: source (NeuronGroup, Neurons obj.): Pre-synaptic neuron population. target (NeuronGroup, Neurons obj.): Post-synaptic neuron population. equation_builder (None, optional): Class which builds the synapse model. params (dict, optional): Non-default parameter dictionary. method (str, optional): Integration/Differentiation method used to solve differential equation. input_number (int, optional): Number of input to post synaptic neuron. This variable takes care of the summed issue present in brian2. name (str, optional): Name of synapse group. verbose (bool, optional): Flag to print more detail about synapse generation. **Kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. Raises: AttributeError e: Warning to indicate that an input_number was specified even though this is taken care of automatically. type: Unit mismatch in equations. """ TeiliGroup.__init__(self) self.verbose = verbose self.input_number = 0 # check if it is a building block, if yes, set bb.input_groups or output_groups as # source/target try: if len(target.input_groups) > 1: print( 'the building block you are connecting has more than one input group, an arbitrary one is selected') target = list(target.input_groups.values())[0] except AttributeError: pass except IndexError as e: print('the building block you are trying to connect does not have a valid input group, please select one manually') raise(e) try: if len(target.output_groups) > 1: print( 'the building block you are connecting has more than one output group, an arbitrary one is selected') source = list(source.output_groups.values())[0] except AttributeError: pass except IndexError as e: print('the building block you are trying to connect does not have a valid output group, please select one manually') raise(e) Nameable.__init__(self, name=name) try: if self.verbose: print(, ': target',, 'has', target.num_synapses, 'synapses') print('trying to add one more...') self.input_number = target.register_synapse( if self.verbose: print('OK!') print('input number is: ' + str(self.input_number)) except ValueError as e: raise e except AttributeError as e: if input_number is not None: self.input_number = input_number else: warnings.warn('you seem to be using brian2 NeuronGroups' + 'instead of teili Neurons for ' + str( + ', therefore, please' + 'specify an input_number yourself') #raise e except KeyError as e: if input_number is not None: self.input_number = input_number else: warnings.warn('you seem to be using brian2 NeuronGroups' + 'instead of teili Neurons for ' + str( + ', therefore, please' + 'specify an input_number yourself') #raise e if parameters is not None: self._init_parameters = parameters if equation_builder is not None: if isinstance(equation_builder, dict): # if it is a dict, then just take it as it is # NeuronEquationBuilder just wraps the dict self.equation_builder = SynapseEquationBuilder( keywords=equation_builder) elif inspect.isclass(equation_builder): self.equation_builder = equation_builder() elif isinstance(equation_builder, str): self.equation_builder.keywords = import_eq(equation_builder) else: # this copies the object using the call, self.equation_builder = equation_builder() # it is convenient for the user, but maybe too confusing self.equation_builder.set_input_number(self.input_number - 1) Kwargs.update(self.equation_builder.keywords) Kwargs.pop('parameters') if parameters is None: self._init_parameters = self.equation_builder.keywords[ 'parameters'] else: print( "parameters you provided overwrite parameters from EquationBuilder") try: Synapses.__init__(self, source, target=target, method=method,, **Kwargs) except Exception as e: import sys raise type(e)(str(e) + '\n\nCheck Equation for errors!\n' + 'e.g. are all units specified correctly at the end ' + 'of every line?\n' + 'e.g. is the value of num_inputs correct?\n' + 'e.g. are you connecting the correct populations?'\ ).with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2])
[docs] def connect(self, condition=None, i=None, j=None, p=1., n=1, skip_if_invalid=False, namespace=None, level=0, **Kwargs): """Wrapper function to make synaptic connections among neurongroups. Args: condition (bool, str, optional): A boolean or string expression that evaluates to a boolean. The expression can depend on indices i and j and on pre- and post-synaptic variables. Can be combined with arguments n, and p but not i or j. i (int, str, optional): Source neuron index. j (int, str, optional): Target neuron index. p (float, optional): Probability of connection. n (int, optional): The number of synapses to create per pre/post connection pair. Defaults to 1. skip_if_invalid (bool, optional): Flag to skip connection if invalid indices are given. namespace (str, optional): namespace of this synaptic connection. level (int, optional): Distance to the input layer needed for tags. **Kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. """ Synapses.connect(self, condition=condition, i=i, j=j, p=p, n=n, skip_if_invalid=skip_if_invalid, namespace=namespace, level=level + 1, **Kwargs) set_params(self, self._init_parameters, verbose=self.verbose)
[docs] def __setattr__(self, key, value): """Function to set arguments to synapses Args: key (str): Name of attribute to be set value (TYPE): Description """ Synapses.__setattr__(self, key, value) if hasattr(self, 'name'): if key in self.standalone_vars and not isinstance(value, str): # we have to check if the variable has a value assigned or # is assigned a string that is evaluated by brian2 later # as in that case we do not want it here self.standalone_params.update({ + '_' + key: value}) if isinstance(value, str) and value != 'name' and value != 'when': # store this for later update self.str_params.update({key: value})
[docs] def plot(self): """Simple visualization of synapse connectivity (connected dots and connectivity matrix) """ S = self sourceNeuron = len(S.source) targetNeuron = len( figure(figsize=(8, 4)) subplot(121) plot(zeros(sourceNeuron), range(sourceNeuron), 'ok', ms=10) plot(ones(targetNeuron), range(targetNeuron), 'ok', ms=10) for i, j in zip(S.i, S.j): plot([0, 1], [i, j], '-k') xticks([0, 1], [,]) ylabel('Neuron index') xlim(-0.1, 1.1) ylim(-1, max(sourceNeuron, targetNeuron)) subplot(122) plot(S.i, S.j, 'ok') xlim(-1, sourceNeuron) ylim(-1, targetNeuron) xlabel('Source neuron index') ylabel('Target neuron index')
[docs]def set_params(briangroup, params, ndargs=None, raise_error=False, verbose=False): """This function takes a params dictionary and sets the parameters of a briangroup. Args: brianggroup(, required): Neuron or Synapsegroup to set parameters on. params (dict, required): Parameter keys and values to be set. raise_error (boolean, optional): determines if an error is raised if a parameter does not exist as a state variable of the group. ndargs (dict, optional): Addtional attribute arguments. verbose (bool, optional): Flag to get more details about parameter setting process. States are not printed in cpp standalone mode before the simulation has been run """ for par in params: if hasattr(briangroup, par): if ndargs is not None and par in ndargs: if ndargs[par] is None: setattr(briangroup, par, params[par]) else: print(par, ndargs, ndargs[par]) setattr(briangroup, par, ndargs[par]) else: setattr(briangroup, par, params[par]) else: # print and warn, as warnings are sometimes harder to see print("Group " + str( + " has no state variable " + str(par) + ", but you tried to set it with set_params") warnings.warn("Group " + str( + " has no state variable " + str(par) + ", but you tried to set it with set_params") if raise_error: raise AttributeError("Group " + str( + " has no state variable " + str(par) + ', but you tried to set it with' + 'set_params if you want to ignore this' + 'error, pass raise_error = False') if verbose: # This fails with synapses coming from SpikeGenerator groups, # unidentified bug? # This does not work in standalone mode as values of state variables # cannot be retrieved before the simulation has been run try: states = briangroup.get_states() print('\n') print('-_-_-_-_-_-_-_\nParameters set by set_params for',, ':') paramdict = {p: states[p] for p in params} print_paramdict(paramdict) print('----------') dellist = list(params.keys()) + \ ['N', 'i', 't', 'dt', 'not_refractory', 'lastspike'] for k in dellist: try: states.pop(k) except: pass print('In this set_params call, you have not set the following' + 'parameters:') print_paramdict(states) except: print('Printing of states does not work in cpp standalone mode')
[docs]class TeiliSubgroup(Subgroup): """This helps to make Subgroups compatible, otherwise the same as Subgroup. Attributes: register_synapse (fct): Register a synapse group to TeiliGroup. """ def __init__(self, source, start, stop, name=None): """Summary Args: source (neurongroup): Neuron group to be split into subgroups. start (int, required): Start index of source neuron group which should be in subgroup. stop (int, required): End index of source neuron group which should be in subgroup. name (str, optional): Name of subgroup. """ warnings.warn( 'Some functionality of this package is not compatible with' + 'subgroups yet') self.register_synapse = None Subgroup.__init__(self, source, start, stop, name) self.register_synapse = self.source.register_synapse @property def num_synapses(self): """Property to overcome summed issue present in brian2. Returns: int: Number of synapses that converge to the same post-synaptic neuron group. """ return self.source.num_synapses