Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Function for external interfaces such as an event-based camera, e.g. DVS.

Functions in this module convert data from or to brian2 compatible formats.
In particular, there are functions to convert data coming from DVS cameras.
# @Author: mmilde
# @Date:   2017-12-27 12:07:15

import os
import numpy as np
import struct
import itertools

from import xy2ind

[docs]def delete_doublets(spiketimes, indices, verbose=False): """ Removes spikes that happen at the same time and at the same index. This happens when you donwnsample, but Brian2 cannot cope with more that 1 spike per ts. :param spiketimes: numpy array of spike times :param indices: numpy array of indices :return: same as input but with removed doublets """ len_before = len(spiketimes) buff_data = np.vstack((spiketimes, indices)).T buff_data[:, 0] = buff_data[:, 0].astype(int) _, idx = np.unique(buff_data, axis=0, return_index=True) buff_data = buff_data[np.sort(idx), :] spiketimes = buff_data[:, 0] indices = np.asarray(buff_data[:, 1], dtype=int) if verbose: print(len_before - len(spiketimes), 'spikes removed') print(100 - (len(spiketimes) / len_before * 100), '% spikes removed') return spiketimes, indices
[docs]def skip_header(file_read): '''skip header. Args: file_read (TYPE): File ''' line = file_read.readline() while line.startswith(b'#'): if (line == b'#!END-HEADER\r\n'): break else: line = file_read.readline()
[docs]def read_events(file_read, x_dim, y_dim): """A simple function that reads events from cAER tcp. Args: file_read (TYPE): Description xdim (TYPE): Description ydim (TYPE): Description Returns: TYPE: Description """ # raise Exception data = if (len(data) == 0): return [-1], [-1], [-1], [-1], [-1], [-1] # read header eventtype = struct.unpack('H', data[0:2])[0] eventsource = struct.unpack('H', data[2:4])[0] eventsize = struct.unpack('I', data[4:8])[0] eventoffset = struct.unpack('I', data[8:12])[0] eventtsoverflow = struct.unpack('I', data[12:16])[0] eventcapacity = struct.unpack('I', data[16:20])[0] eventnumber = struct.unpack('I', data[20:24])[0] eventvalid = struct.unpack('I', data[24:28])[0] next_read = eventcapacity * eventsize # we now read the full packet data = counter = 0 # eventnumber[0] # return arrays x_addr_tot = [] y_addr_tot = [] pol_tot = [] ts_tot = [] spec_type_tot = [] spec_ts_tot = [] if (eventtype == 1): # something is wrong as we set in the cAER to send only polarity events while (data[counter:counter + eventsize]): # loop over all event packets aer_data = struct.unpack('I', data[counter:counter + 4])[0] timestamp = struct.unpack('I', data[counter + 4:counter + 8])[0] x_addr = (aer_data >> 17) & 0x00007FFF y_addr = (aer_data >> 2) & 0x00007FFF x_addr_tot.append(x_addr) y_addr_tot.append(y_addr) pol = (aer_data >> 1) & 0x00000001 pol_tot.append(pol) ts_tot.append(timestamp) # print (timestamp, x_addr, y_addr, pol) counter = counter + eventsize elif (eventtype == 0): spec_type_tot = [] spec_ts_tot = [] while (data[counter:counter + eventsize]): # loop over all event packets special_data = struct.unpack('I', data[counter:counter + 4])[0] timestamp = struct.unpack('I', data[counter + 4:counter + 8])[0] spec_type = (special_data >> 1) & 0x0000007F spec_type_tot.append(spec_type) spec_ts_tot.append(timestamp) if (spec_type == 6 or spec_type == 7 or spec_type == 9 or spec_type == 10): print(timestamp, spec_type) counter = counter + eventsize return (np.array(x_addr_tot), np.array(y_addr_tot), np.array(pol_tot), np.array(ts_tot), np.array(spec_type_tot), np.array(spec_ts_tot))
[docs]def aedat2numpy(datafile, length=0, version='V2', debug=0, camera='DVS128', unit='ms'): """Loads AER data file and parses these properties of AE events. Properties: * timestamps (in us). * x,y-position [0..127]x[0..127] for DVS128 [0..239]x[0..127] for DAVIS240. * polarity (0/1). Args: datafile (str, optional): Aedat recording as provided by jAER or cAER. length (int, optional): how many bytes(B) should be read; default 0=whole file. version (str, optional): which file format version is used: - "dat" = V1 (old) - "aedat" jAER AEDAT 2.0 = V2 - "aedat" cAER AEDAT 3.1 = V3. - "aedat" DV AEDAT 4.0 = V4 debug (int, optional): Flag to provide more detailed report. 0 = silent, 1 (default) = print summary. >=2 = print all debug. camera (str, optional): Type of event-based camera. unit: output unit of timestamps specified as a string: - 'ms' (default), 'us' or 'sec'. Returns: numpy.ndarray: (xpos, ypos, ts, pol) 2D numpy array containing data of all events. Raises: ValueError: Indicates that a camera was specified which is not supported or the AEDAT file version is not supported. """ try: aerdatafh = open(datafile, 'rb') except FileNotFoundError: raise FileNotFoundError('Please specify an aedat file to convert.') k = 0 # line number p = 0 # pointer, position on bytes lt = aerdatafh.readline() # Check the .aedat format: if (version == 'V4'): try: from dv import AedatFile except ImportError: raise ImportError("Missing dependency. Please install dv via pip install dv") with AedatFile(datafile) as f: # list all the names of streams in the file if debug: print(f.names) # loop through the "events" stream tmp_x = [] tmp_y = [] tmp_t = [] tmp_pol = [] for e in f['events']: tmp_x.append(e.x) tmp_y.append(e.y) tmp_t.append(e.timestamp) tmp_pol.append(e.polarity) events = np.zeros((4, len(tmp_t))) * np.nan events[0, :] = np.asarray(tmp_x) events[1, :] = np.asarray(tmp_y) events[2, :] = np.asarray(tmp_t) events[3, :] = np.asarray(tmp_pol) return events elif (version == 'V3'): # cAER AEDAT 3.1 # Check the headerfile: if (lt.decode(encoding='utf-8')[9:12] == '2.0'): # The file version is AEDAT 2.0. Wrong version specified. raise ValueError( "Wrong .aedat version specified. \n Please enter version = 'V2' ") if (camera == 'DVS128'): raise ValueError( "Unsupported camera version. \n Please enter camera = 'DAVIS240'") skip_header(aerdatafh) X_DIM = 240 Y_DIM = 180 ts_events_tmp = [] x_events_tmp = [] y_events_tmp = [] p_events_tmp = [] while (1): x, y, p, ts_tot, spec_type, spec_type_ts = read_events( aerdatafh, X_DIM, Y_DIM) if (len(ts_tot) > 0 and ts_tot[0] == -1): break x_events_tmp.append(x) # Set the coordinate (0,0) at the bottom left corner: # NOTE: cAER orgin is at the upper left corner. if (camera == 'DVS128'): y_events_tmp.append(128 - y - 1) elif (camera == 'DAVIS240'): y_events_tmp.append(180 - y - 1) # Set the timestamps according to the specified units if unit == 'us': ts_events_tmp.append(ts_tot) elif unit == 'ms': ts_events_tmp.append(ts_tot / 1000) elif unit == 'sec': ts_events_tmp.append(ts_tot / 1e6) else: raise ValueError( "Units not supported. Please select one of these: us, ms, sec") p_events_tmp.append(p) events = np.zeros([4, len(list(itertools.chain(*ts_events_tmp)))]) events[0, :] = list(itertools.chain(*x_events_tmp)) events[1, :] = list(itertools.chain(*y_events_tmp)) events[2, :] = list(itertools.chain(*ts_events_tmp)) events[3, :] = list(itertools.chain(*p_events_tmp)) aerdatafh.close() return (events) elif (version == 'V2') or (version == 'V1'): # Check the headerfile: if (lt.decode(encoding='utf-8')[9:12] == '3.1'): # The file version is AEDAT 3.1. Wrong version specified. raise ValueError( "Wrong .aedat version specified. \n Please enter version = 'V3' ") EVT_DVS = 0 # DVS event type EVT_APS = 1 # APS event aeLen = 8 # 1 AE event takes 8 bytes readMode = '>II' # struct.unpack(), 2x ulong, 4B+4B td = 0.000001 # timestep is 1us if (camera == 'DVS128'): xmask = 0x00fe xshift = 1 ymask = 0x7f00 yshift = 8 pmask = 0x1 pshift = 0 elif (camera == 'DAVIS240'): # values take from scripts/matlab/getDVS*.m xmask = 0x003ff000 xshift = 12 ymask = 0x7fc00000 yshift = 22 pmask = 0x800 pshift = 11 eventtypeshift = 31 else: raise ValueError("Unsupported camera: %s" % (camera)) if (version == 'V1'): print("using the old .dat format") aeLen = 6 readMode = '>HI' # ushot, ulong = 2B+4B aerdatafh = open(datafile, 'rb') k = 0 # line number p = 0 # pointer, position on bytes statinfo = os.stat(datafile) if length == 0: length = statinfo.st_size # print ("file size", length) # header lt = aerdatafh.readline() while lt.startswith(b'#'): p += len(lt) k += 1 lt = aerdatafh.readline() if debug >= 2: print(str(lt)) continue # variables to parse timestamps = [] xaddr = [] yaddr = [] pol = [] # read data-part of file s = p += aeLen # print (xmask, xshift, ymask, yshift, pmask, pshift) while p < length: addr, ts = struct.unpack(readMode, s) # parse event type if (camera == 'DAVIS240'): eventtype = (addr >> eventtypeshift) else: # DVS128 eventtype = EVT_DVS # parse event's data if (eventtype == EVT_DVS): # this is a DVS event x_addr = (addr & xmask) >> xshift y_addr = (addr & ymask) >> yshift a_pol = (addr & pmask) >> pshift if debug >= 3: print("ts->", ts) # ok print("x-> ", x_addr) print("y-> ", y_addr) print("pol->", a_pol) # Set the coordinate (0,0) at the bottom left corner: # NOTE: jAER orgin is at the bottom right corner. if (camera == 'DVS128'): xaddr.append(128 - x_addr - 1) elif (camera == 'DAVIS240'): xaddr.append(240 - x_addr - 1) yaddr.append(y_addr) # Set the timestamps according to the specified units if unit == 'us': timestamps.append(ts) elif unit == 'ms': timestamps.append(ts / 1000) elif unit == 'sec': timestamps.append(ts / 1e6) else: raise ValueError( "Units not supported. Please select one of these: us, ms, sec") pol.append(a_pol) s = p += aeLen if debug > 0: try: print("read %i (~ %.2fM) AE events, duration= %.2fs" % (len(timestamps), len( timestamps) / float(10 ** 6), (timestamps[-1] - timestamps[0]) * td)) n = 5 print("showing first %i:" % (n)) print("timestamps: %s \nX-addr: %s\nY-addr: %s\npolarity: %s" % (timestamps[0:n], xaddr[0:n], yaddr[0:n], pol[0:n])) except: print("failed to print statistics") events = np.zeros([4, len(timestamps)]) # Set the coordinate (0,0) at the upper left corner: # NOTE: jAER orgin is at the bottom right corner. events[0, :] = xaddr events[1, :] = yaddr events[2, :] = timestamps events[3, :] = pol return events else: raise ValueError("Unsupported AEDAT file version") return
[docs]def dvs2ind(events=None, event_directory=None, resolution='DAVIS240', scale=True): """Function which converts events extracted from an aedat file using aedat2numpy into 1D vectors of neuron indices and timestamps. Function only returns index and timestamp list for existing types (e.g. On & Off events). Args: Events (None, optional): 4D numpy.ndarray which contains pixel location (x,y), timestamps and polarity ((4,#events)). event_directory (None, optional): Path to stored events. resolution (str/int, optional): Resolution of the camera. scale (bool, optional): Flag to rescale the timestamps from microseconds to milliseconds. Returns: indices_on (1d numpy.array): Unique indices which maps the pixel location of the camera to the 1D neuron indices of ON events. ts_on (1d numpy.array): Unique timestamps of active indices of ON events. indices_off (1d numpy.array): Unique indices which maps the pixel location of the camera to the 1D neuron indices of OFF events. ts_off (1d numpy.array): Unique timestamps of active indices of OFF events. """ if event_directory is not None: assert type(event_directory) == str, 'event_directory must be a string' assert event_directory[ -4:] == '.npy', 'Please specify a numpy array (.npy) which contains the DVS events.\n Aedat files can be converted using function' events = np.load(event_directory) if events is not None: assert event_directory is None, 'Either you specify a path to load events using event_directory. Or you pass the event numpy array directly. NOT both.' if np.size(events, 0) > np.size(events, 1): events = np.transpose(events) # extract tempory indices to retrieve # Boolean logic to get indices of on and off events, respectively cInd_on = events[3, :] == 1 cInd_off = events[3, :] == 0 # Initialize 1D arrays for neuron indices and timestamps indices_on = np.zeros([int(np.sum(cInd_on))]) spiketimes_on = np.zeros([int(np.sum(cInd_on))]) # Polarity is either 0 or 1 so the entire length minus the sum of the # polarity give the proportion of off events indices_off = np.zeros([int(np.sum(cInd_off))]) spiketimes_off = np.zeros([int(np.sum(cInd_off))]) if type(resolution) == str: # extract the x-resolution (i.e. the resolution along the x-axis of the # camera) resolution = int(resolution[-3:]) elif type(resolution) == tuple: resolution = resolution[0] # The equation below follows index = x + y*resolution # To retrieve the x and y coordinate again from the index see ind2px indices_on = events[0, cInd_on] + events[1, cInd_on] * resolution indices_off = events[0, cInd_off] + events[1, cInd_off] * resolution if scale: # The DVS timestamps are in microseconds. We need to convert them to # milliseconds for brian spiketimes_on = np.ceil(events[2, cInd_on] * 10 ** (-3)) spiketimes_off = np.ceil(events[2, cInd_off] * 10 ** (-3)) else: # The flag scale is used to prevent rescaling of timestamps if we use # artifically generated stimuli spiketimes_on = np.ceil(events[2, cInd_on]) spiketimes_off = np.ceil(events[2, cInd_off]) # Check for double entries within 100 us ts_on_tmp = spiketimes_on ind_on_tmp = indices_on ts_off_tmp = spiketimes_off ind_off_tmp = indices_off delta_t = 1 for i in range(len(spiketimes_on)): mask_t = spiketimes_on[i] mask_i = indices_on[i] double_entries = np.logical_and(np.logical_and( ts_on_tmp >= mask_t, ts_on_tmp <= mask_t + delta_t), mask_i == ind_on_tmp) # uniqueEntries = np.invert(double_entries) # print np.sum(double_entries) if np.sum(double_entries) > 1: # Find first occurence on non-unique entries tmp = np.where(double_entries == True) # keep the first occurance of non-unique entry double_entries[tmp[0][0]] = False uniqueEntries = np.invert(double_entries) ts_on_tmp = ts_on_tmp[uniqueEntries] ind_on_tmp = ind_on_tmp[uniqueEntries] for i in range(len(spiketimes_off)): mask_t = spiketimes_off[i] mask_i = indices_off[i] double_entries = np.logical_and(np.logical_and( ts_off_tmp >= mask_t, ts_off_tmp <= mask_t + delta_t), mask_i == ind_off_tmp) # uniqueEntries = np.invert(double_entries) # print np.sum(double_entries) if np.sum(double_entries) > 1: # Find first occurence on non-unique entries tmp = np.where(double_entries == True) # keep the first occurance of non-unique entry double_entries[tmp[0][0]] = False uniqueEntries = np.invert(double_entries) ts_off_tmp = ts_off_tmp[uniqueEntries] ind_off_tmp = ind_off_tmp[uniqueEntries] indices_off = ind_off_tmp ts_off = ts_off_tmp indices_on = ind_on_tmp ts_on = ts_on_tmp return_on = False return_off = False # normalize timestamps if np.size(ts_on) != 0: ts_on -= np.min(ts_on) return_on = True if np.size(ts_off) != 0: ts_off -= np.min(ts_off) return_off = True if return_on == True and return_off == True: return indices_on, ts_on, indices_off, ts_off elif return_on == True: return indices_on, ts_on elif return_off == True: return indices_off, ts_off
[docs]def dvs_csv2numpy(datafile='tmp/aerout.csv', debug=False): """Loads AER csv logfile and parses these properties of AE events Properties: * timestamps (in us). * x,y-position [0..127]. * polarity (0/1). Args: datafile (str, optional): path to the csv file to read. debug (bool, optional): Flag to print more details about conversion. Returns: numpy.ndarray: (ts, xpos, ypos, pol) 4D numpy array containing data of all events. """ import pandas as pd logfile = datafile df = pd.read_csv(logfile, header=0) df.dropna(inplace=True) # Process timestamps: Start at zero df['timestamp'] = df['timestamp'].astype(int) # Safe raw input df['x_raw'] = df['x'] df['y_raw'] = df['y'] x_list = [] y_list = [] time_list = [] pol_list = [] x_list = df['x_raw'] y_list = df['y_raw'] time_list = df['timestamp'] pol_list = df['pol'] timestamp = time_list[0] # Get new coordinates with more useful representation # df['x'] = df['y_raw'] # df['y'] = 128 - df['x_raw'] # discard every third event # new_ind = 0 # Events = np.zeros([4, len(df['timestamp'])/3]) events_x = [] events_y = [] events_time = [] events_pol = [] counter = 0 for j in range(len(df['timestamp'])): if counter % 3 == 0: if (timestamp == time_list[j]): # Events[0, new_ind] = x_list[j] events_x.append(x_list[j]) events_y.append(y_list[j]) events_time.append(time_list[j]) events_pol.append(pol_list[j]) # new_ind += 1 timestamp = time_list[j] else: counter += 1 timestamp = time_list[j] elif counter % 3 == 1: if (timestamp == time_list[j]): continue else: counter += 1 timestamp = time_list[j] elif counter % 3 == 2: if (timestamp == time_list[j]): continue else: counter += 1 timestamp = time_list[j] events = np.zeros([4, len(events_time)]) events[0, :] = events_x events[1, :] = events_y events[2, :] = events_time events[3, :] = events_pol if debug == True: print(events[0, 0:10]) print(events[1, 0:10]) print(events[2, 0:10]) print(events[3, 0:10]) return events