Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Collection of tools to add some features to cpp standalone mode
# @Author: alpren
# @Date:   2017-07-28 19:02:05

import os
import time
import warnings
import numpy as np
from collections import OrderedDict
from brian2 import prefs, device, codegen, set_device

[docs]def activate_standalone(directory='Brian2Network_standalone', build_on_run=False): """Enables cpp standalone mode Args: directory (str, optional): Standalone directory containing all compiled files build_on_run (bool, optional): Flag to (re-)build network before simulating """ set_device('cpp_standalone', directory=directory, build_on_run=build_on_run) device.reinit() device.activate(directory=directory, build_on_run=build_on_run) device.project_dir = os.path.abspath(directory)
[docs]def deactivate_standalone(): """Disables cpp standalone mode """ set_device('runtime')
[docs]def build_cpp_and_replace(standalone_params, standalone_dir=os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), "Brian2Standalone"), clean=True, do_compile=True, verbose=True): """Builds cpp standalone network and replaces variables/parameters with standalone_params This does string replacement in the generated c++ code. Args: standalone_params (dict, required): Dictionary containing all parameters which can be changed after building the network standalone_dir (str, optional): Directory containing output generated by network clean (bool, optional): Flag to clean build network do_compile (bool, optional): Flag to compile network """ startBuild = time.time() prefs['codegen.cpp.extra_compile_args_gcc'].append('-std=c++14') prefs['codegen.cpp.extra_compile_args_msvc'].append('/std:c++14') prefs['codegen.cpp.headers'].append('<string>') # prefs['codegen.cpp.extra_compile_args_gcc'].append('-std=c++11') device.build_options['directory'] = standalone_dir, run=False, directory=standalone_dir, clean=clean, debug=False) end = time.time() print('build took ' + str(end - startBuild) + ' sec') # =============================================================================== # Code that needs to be added to the main.cpp file maincppPath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), standalone_dir, 'main.cpp') # this should always be the correct path replace_vars = [key for key in standalone_params] replace_variables_in_cpp_code(replace_vars, replace_file_location=maincppPath, verbose=verbose) # =============================================================================== # compile if do_compile: startMake = time.time() # out = check_output(["make","-C","~/Code/SOM_standalone"]) compiler, args = codegen.cpp_prefs.get_compiler_and_args() device.compile_source(directory=standalone_dir, compiler=compiler, clean=clean, debug=False) # print(out) end = time.time() print('make took ' + str(end - startMake) + ' sec') print('\n\nstandalone was built and compiled, ready to run!') else: print('\n\nstandalone was built, ready to compile!')
[docs]def replace_variables_in_cpp_code(replace_vars, replace_file_location, verbose=True): '''Replaces a list of variables in CPP code for standalone code generation with changeable parameters and it adds duration as a changeable parameter (it is always the first argument) Args: replace_vars (list, str): List of strings, variables that are replaced replace_file_location (str): Location of the file in which the variables are replaced ''' # generate arg code cppArgCode = "" for ivar, rvar in enumerate(replace_vars): if verbose: cppArgCode += """\n float {replvar}_p = std::stof(argv[{num}],NULL); std::cout << "variable {replvar} is argument {num} with value " << {replvar}_p << std::endl;\n""".format( num=(ivar + 1), replvar=rvar) else: cppArgCode += """\n float {replvar}_p = std::stof(argv[{num}],NULL);\n""".format( num=(ivar + 1), replvar=rvar) print("variable {replvar} is main() argument {num}".format(num=(ivar + 1), replvar=rvar)) print('\n*********************************\n') # read main.cpp f = open(replace_file_location, "r") contents = f.readlines() f.close() # insert arg code for i_line, line in enumerate(contents): if "int main(int argc, char **argv)" in line: insertLine = i_line + 2 contents.insert(insertLine, cppArgCode) # replace var code replaceTODOlist = list( replace_vars) # copy replace_vars in order to create a todolist where we can delete elements that are done f = open(replace_file_location, "w") for i_line, line in enumerate(contents): replaced = False for rvar in replace_vars: if rvar + "[i]" in line: # for array variables replaced = True keepFirstPart = line.split('=', 1)[0] f.write(keepFirstPart + '= ' + rvar + '_p;\n') print("replaced array " + rvar + " in line " + str(i_line)) replaceTODOlist = [elem for elem in replaceTODOlist if not elem == rvar] # check element in todolist if rvar + "[0]" in line: # for scalar (shared) variables replaced = True keepFirstPart = line.split('=', 1)[0] f.write(keepFirstPart + '= ' + rvar + '_p;\n') print("replaced scalar " + rvar + " in line " + str(i_line)) replaceTODOlist = [elem for elem in replaceTODOlist if not elem == rvar] # check element in todolist if ('.run(' in line) and ("duration" in replace_vars): replaced = True keepNetworkName = line.split('.', 1)[0] # this is actually the same as keepSecondPart = line.split(',', 1)[1] f.write(keepNetworkName + '.run(duration_p,' + keepSecondPart) print("replaced duration in line " + str(i_line)) replaceTODOlist = [elem for elem in replaceTODOlist if not elem == 'duration'] if not replaced: f.write(line) f.close() if len(replaceTODOlist) > 0: warnings.warn("could not find matching variables in cpp code for " + str(replaceTODOlist), Warning) # warning, items left in todolist print('\n* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\n NOT all variables successfully replaced in cpp code! \n') print("could not find matching variables in cpp code for " + str(replaceTODOlist)) # maybe we should raise an exception here as this is rather serious? raise Exception("could not find matching variables in cpp code for " + str(replaceTODOlist)) else: print('\n*********************************\nall variables successfully replaced in cpp code! \n')
[docs]def params2run_args(standalone_params): """Add standalone parameter to run arguments Args: standalone_params (dict): Dictionary containing standalone parameters to be added to run arguments Returns: list: run arguments """ # asarray is to remove units. It is the way proposed in the tutorial run_args = [str(np.asarray(standalone_params[key])) for key in standalone_params] return run_args
[docs]def collect_standalone_params(params=OrderedDict(), *building_blocks): '''This just collect the parameters of all buildingblocks and adds additional parameters (not from buildingblocks) Args: params (OrderedDict, optional): Dictionary with parameters. Needs to be ordered. *buildingBlocks: The network building block to assign standalone parameters to Returns: dict: standalone parameters ''' standalone_params = OrderedDict() for block in building_blocks: standalone_params.update(block.standalone_params) standalone_params.update(params) return standalone_params
[docs]def run_standalone(standalone_params): """Runnung standalone networks Args: standalone_params (dict): Dictionary of standalone parameters """ start_sim = time.time() # run simulation print_dict(standalone_params) run_args = params2run_args(standalone_params), with_output=True, run_args=run_args) end_sim = time.time() print('simulation in c++ took ' + str(end_sim - start_sim) + ' sec') print('simulation done!')