Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""A collection of helpful miscellaneous functions when working with brian2
# @Author: mmilde, alpren
# @Date:   2017-12-27 11:54:09

from brian2 import implementation, check_units, ms, declare_types,\
        SpikeMonitor, Network, NeuronGroup, TimedArray
import numpy as np

# This function is a workaround to allow if statements in run_regularly code.
# It is necessary for example in order to set values conditional on the current time.
@implementation('cpp', '''
float returnValueIf(float test_val, float greater_than_val, float smaller_than_val, float return_val_true, float return_val_false) {
    if ((test_val > greater_than_val) && (test_val < smaller_than_val))
        return return_val_true;
        return return_val_false;
@declare_types(test_val='float', greater_than_val='float', smaller_than_val='float',
               return_val_true='float', return_val_false='float', result='float')
@check_units(test_val=1, greater_than_val=1, smaller_than_val=1, return_val_true=1, return_val_false=1, result=1)
def return_value_if(test_val, greater_than_val, smaller_than_val, return_val_true, return_val_false):
    This function is a workaround to allow if statements in run_regularly code.
    It is necessary for example in order to set values conditional on the current time.
    It returns a value (return_val_true or return_val_false) depending on whether test_val is between
    smaller_than_val and greater_than_val or not.
        test_val (TYPE): the value that is tested
        greater_than_val (TYPE): upper bound of the value
        smaller_than_val (TYPE): lower bound of the value
        return_val_true (TYPE): value returned if test_val is in bounds
        return_val_false (TYPE): value returned if test_val is out of bounds

        float: returns a specified value (return_val_true or return_val_false) depending on whether test_val is between
    smaller_than_val and greater_than_val
    if (test_val > greater_than_val and test_val < smaller_than_val):
        return return_val_true
        return return_val_false

[docs]def spikemon2firing_rate(spikemon, start_time=0 * ms, end_time="max"): """Calculates the instantaneous firing rate within a window of interest from a SpikeMonitor Args: spikemon (brian2.SpikeMonitor): Brian2 SpikeMoitor object start_time (, optional): Starting point for window to calculate the firing rate. Must be provided as desired time in ms, e.g. 5 * ms end_time (str, optional): End point for window to calculate the firing rate. Must be provided as desired time in ms, e.g. 5 * ms Returns: int: Firing rate in Hz """ spiketimes = (spikemon.t / ms) if len(spiketimes) == 0: return 0 if end_time == "max": end_time = max(spikemon.t / ms) spiketimes = spiketimes[spiketimes <= end_time] spiketimes = spiketimes[spiketimes >= start_time / ms] spiketimes = spiketimes / 1000 if len(spiketimes) == 0: return 0 return (np.mean(1 / np.diff(spiketimes)))
[docs]def neuron_group_from_spikes(num_inputs, simulation_dt, duration, poisson_group=None, spike_indices=None, spike_times=None): """Converts spike activity in a neuron poisson_group with the same activity. Args: num_inputs (int): Number of input channels from source. simulation_dt ( Time step of simulation. duration (int): Duration of simulation in poisson_group (brian2.poissonGroup): Poisson poisson_group that is passed instead of spike times and indices. spike_indices (numpy.array): Indices of the original source. spike_times (numpy.array): Time stamps with unit of original spikes in ms. Returns: neu_group (brian2 object): Neuron poisson_group with mimicked activity. """ if spike_indices is None and spike_indices is None: net = Network() try: monitor = SpikeMonitor(poisson_group) except TypeError: raise net.add(poisson_group, monitor) spike_times, spike_indices = monitor.t, monitor.i spike_times = [spike_times[np.where(spike_indices == i)[0]] for i in range(num_inputs)] # Create matrix where each row (neuron id) is associated with time when # there is a spike or -1 when there is not converted_input = (np.zeros((num_inputs, np.around(duration/simulation_dt).astype(int)+1 )) - 1)*simulation_dt for ind, val in enumerate(spike_times): # Prevents floating point errors int_values = np.around(val/simulation_dt).astype(int) converted_input[ind, int_values] = int_values * simulation_dt converted_input = np.transpose(converted_input) converted_input = TimedArray(converted_input, dt=simulation_dt) # t is simulation time, and will be equal to tspike when there is a spike. # Cell remains refractory when there is no spike, i.e. when tspike=-1 neu_group = NeuronGroup(num_inputs, model='tspike=converted_input(t, i): second', threshold='t==tspike', refractory='tspike < 0*ms') neu_group.namespace.update({'converted_input': converted_input}) return neu_group