Source code for

Created on 28 Dec 2017

@author: Alpha Renner

This class is a 2d plotter and provides functionality
for analysis of 2d neuron fields
To be extended!

    CM_JET (TYPE): Description
    CM_ONOFF (TYPE): Description

# Import required packages
import csv
import os
import sys
from brian2 import ms, Hz, defaultclock, second
import numpy as np
import shutil
# import matplotlib.animation as animation
import pyqtgraph as pg
from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui  # , QtCore
import pyqtgraph.exporters  # looks redundant, but this is necessary for export
import sparse
from scipy import ndimage
import as cm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import subprocess
# pg.setConfigOption('background', 'w') # makes  background white
from pyqtgraph.colormap import ColorMap

CM_JET = ColorMap([0.0, 0.33, 0.66, 1.0],
                  [(0, 0, 255, 255), (0, 255, 255, 255),
                   (255, 255, 0, 255), (255, 10, 10, 255)], mode=2)

CM_ONOFF = ColorMap([0.0, 0.33, 0.66, 1.0],
                    [(0, 0, 0, 255), (0, 255, 0, 255),
                     (255, 0, 0, 255), (255, 255, 0, 255)], mode=2)

app = QtGui.QApplication.instance()
if app is None:
    app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
    print('QApplication instance already exists: %s' % str(app))

[docs]class DVSmonitor: """Summary Attributes: pol (TYPE): Description t (TYPE): Description xi (TYPE): Description yi (TYPE): Description """ def __init__(self, xi, yi, t, pol, unit=None): """Summary Args: xi (TYPE): Description yi (TYPE): Description t (TYPE): Description pol (TYPE): Description """ if unit is not None: self.t = np.asarray(t) * unit else: try: if t.dim == second.dim: self.t = t else: # this means it has a brian2 dim that is not second # or it is of some other type that has a .dim! raise Exception('t does not have time as dimension/unit') except AttributeError: self.t = np.asarray(t) * ms self.xi = xi self.yi = yi self.pol = pol
[docs]class Plotter2d(object): """ Plotter2d is a class that contains a number of functions to create 2d plots over time, in particular events/spikes that are arranged in 2d such as DVS camera recordings or 2d neural fields. The class offers filtering, plotting and generation of gifs. Data is passed into the plotter as a monitor (either from brian2 or using the DVSmonitor class) Attributes: dims (tuple): the dimensions of the 2d data (number of rows and columns) monitor (TYPE): A monitor to sparsely store event data (e.g. from brian2), it has a t (timestamps), xi (x event coordinates) and yi (y coordinates) property or an i property (flat coordinates that are reshaped to 2d) plotrange (tuple): Masks the monitor outside of the given range (in units of t) shape (tuple): 3d shape of the data rows (int): number of rows (dims[0]) cols (int): number of columns (dims[1]) mask (array): mask that masks out part of the data """ def __init__(self, monitor, dims, plotrange=None): """Summary Args: monitor (TYPE): A monitor, that has a t (timestamps), xi (x coordinates) and yi (y coordinates) property dims (tuple): the dimensions of the 2d video that schould be plotted plotrange (tuple): Masks the monitor outside of the given range (in units of t) """ self.rows = dims[0] self.cols = dims[1] self.dims = dims self._t = monitor.t # times of spikes self.shape = (dims[0], dims[1], len(monitor.t)) self.monitor = monitor # mainly for debugging! # = try: # that should work if the monitor is a Brian2 Spikemonitor self._i = monitor.i # neuron index number of spike # print(self._i) self._xi, self._yi = np.unravel_index(self._i, (dims[0], dims[1])) # assert(len(self._i) == len(self._t)) except ValueError as e: print('You probably did not set the correct dimensions for your input!') raise e except AttributeError: # that should work, if it is a DVSmonitor (it has xi and yi instead of y) self._xi = np.asarray(monitor.xi, dtype='int') self._yi = np.asarray(monitor.yi, dtype='int') self._i = np.ravel_multi_index((self._xi, self._yi), dims) # neuron index number of spike try: # check, if _t has a unit (dvs raw data is given in ms) self._t[0].dim except: self._t = self._t * ms try: self._pol = monitor.pol except: self._pol = np.zeros_like(self._i) self.mask = range(len(monitor.t)) # [True] * (len(monitor.t)) self._plotrange = (0 * ms, 0 * ms) self.set_range(plotrange) @property def plotrange(self): return self._plotrange @plotrange.setter def plotrange(self, plotrange): self.set_range(plotrange) @property def pol(self): """polarity of DVS spikes """ return self._pol[self.mask] @property def t(self): """timestamps of events """ return self._t[self.mask] @property def t_(self): """ unitless t in ms """ return self._t[self.mask] / ms @property def i(self): """flattened indices (in 1d) """ return self._i[self.mask] @property def xi(self): """row coordinates of events """ return self._xi[self.mask] @property def yi(self): """columns coordinates of events """ return self._yi[self.mask] @property def plotlength(self): """number of timesteps """ # if self.plotrange is not None: plotlength = self.plotrange[1] - self.plotrange[0] # else: # plotlength = np.max(self.t) return plotlength
[docs] def plotshape(self, dt): """3d shape of the data (num_timestamps, num_rows, num_cols) Args: dt (float): timestep length Returns: tuple: (num_timestamps, num_rows, num_cols) """ plottimesteps = int(np.ceil(0.0001 + self.plotlength / dt)) # print(plottimesteps) return (plottimesteps, self.dims[0], self.dims[1])
[docs] def set_range(self, plotrange=None): ''' set a range with unit that is applied for all computations with this monitor Args: plotrange (tuple): (from, to)) ''' if plotrange is None: self.mask = range(len(self._t)) # slice(len(self._t)) # [True] * (len(self._t)) if len(self.t) > 0: self._plotrange = (np.min(self.t), np.max(self.t)) else: self._plotrange = (0 * ms, 0 * ms) else: self._plotrange = plotrange self.mask = np.where((self._t <= plotrange[1]) & (self._t >= plotrange[0]))[0]
[docs] def get_sparse3d(self, dt, align_to_min_t=True): """Using the package sparse (based of scipy sparse, but for 3d), the spiketimes are converted into a sparse matrix. This step is basically just for easy conversion into a dense matrix later, as you cannot do so many computations with the sparse representation. sparse documentation can be found here: Args: dt (float): the t dimension in the sparse representation is given in timesteps, so t is divided by dt Returns: sparse.COO: Sparse representation of the data used to create the dense one efficiently. """ # print(len(self.t)) # print(np.max(self.t / dt)) # print(self.plotshape(dt)) if len(self.t) > 0: if align_to_min_t: min_t = np.min(self.t) else: min_t = 0 * ms try: sparse_spikemat = sparse.COO( (np.ones(len(self.t)), ((self.t - min_t) / dt, self.xi, self.yi)), shape=self.plotshape(dt)) except: sparse_spikemat = sparse.COO( coords=((self.t - min_t) / dt, self.xi, self.yi), data=np.ones(len(self.t)), shape=self.plotshape(dt)) else: print('Your monitor is empty!') # just create a matrix of zeros, hope, this does not lead to other problems sparse_spikemat = sparse.COO(([0], ([0], [0], [0])), shape=self.plotshape(dt)) return sparse_spikemat
# Example: # sparse_test = sparse.COO((np.ones(5), (np.asarray([0,10,40,60,80]) / 10, [1,2,3,4,5], [5,4,3,2,1])),shape=(9,6,6)) # print(sparse_test.todense())
[docs] def get_dense3d(self, dt): """Transforms the sparse spike time representation in a dense representation, where every spike is given as a 1 in a 3d matrix (time + 2 spatial dimensions) The data is binned using dt. If there is more than one spike in a bin, the bin will not have the value 1, but the number of spikes. Args: dt (TYPE): Description Returns: array: dense array of the data. E.g. if we have a single spike in the neuron at location (3, 5) at timestamp 10, in the dense array, all locations have a value of 0 at all timesteps apart from (10, 3, 5), where the value is 1. """ sparse3d = self.get_sparse3d(dt) return sparse3d.todense()
[docs] def get_filtered(self, dt, filtersize): """applies a rectangular filter (convolution) of length filtersize over time (dimension 0). It returns a 3d matrix with the firing rate. Spiketimes will be binned with a step size of dt that means that the filtersize should always be a int multiple of dt Args: dt (brian2.Quantity): the time step with which the spike times are binned filtersize (brian2.Quantity): length of the filter (in brian2 time units) Returns: TYPE: Description """ dense3d = self.get_dense3d(dt) filtered = ndimage.uniform_filter1d(dense3d, size=int(filtersize / dt), axis=0, mode='constant') * second / dt # filtered = ndimage.zoom(filtered, (1, 2, 2)) return filtered
# import timeit # timeit.timeit("ndimage.uniform_filter(dense3d, size=(0,0,10))", # setup = 'from scipy import ndimage', # globals={'dense3d':dense3d},number = 1) # timeit.timeit("ndimage.uniform_filter1d(dense3d,size=10, axis = 2, mode='constant')", # setup = 'from scipy import ndimage', # globals={'dense3d':dense3d},number = 1) # timeit.timeit("ndimage.convolve1d(dense3d, weights=np.ones(10), axis = 2)", # setup = 'from scipy import ndimage;import numpy as np', # globals={'dense3d':dense3d},number = 1)
[docs] def plot3d_on_off(self, plot_dt=defaultclock.dt, filtersize=10 * ms, colormap=CM_ONOFF, flipy= False): """ Args: plot_dt (brian2.Quantity, optional): timestep in which events are binned for plotting filtersize (brian2.Quantity, optional): filtersize of rectangular filter colormap (pyqtgraph.colormap.ColorMap, optional): colormap for on off plot Returns: pyqtgraph.ImageView: ImageView object for usage in a larger pyqtgraph plot """ video_filtered0 = 0 video_filtered1 = 0 if self._pol is None: print('no polarity information stored, cannot create on-off plot') return time_mask = self.mask pol_mask = np.where((self._pol == 0))[0] self.mask = np.sort(np.asarray(list(set(time_mask).intersection(pol_mask)), dtype=int)) if len(self.t) > 0: try: video_filtered0 = self.get_filtered(plot_dt, filtersize) except MemoryError: raise MemoryError("the dt you have set would generate a too large matrix for your memory") video_filtered0 = self.get_filtered(plot_dt * 10, filtersize) video_filtered0[video_filtered0 > 0] = 1 pol_mask = np.where((self._pol == 1))[0] self.mask = np.sort(np.asarray(list(set(time_mask).intersection(pol_mask)), dtype=int)) if len(self.t) > 0: try: video_filtered1 = self.get_filtered(plot_dt, filtersize) except MemoryError: raise MemoryError("the dt you have set would generate a too large matrix for your memory") video_filtered1 = self.get_filtered(plot_dt * 10, filtersize) video_filtered1[video_filtered1 > 0] = 2 video_filtered = video_filtered0 + video_filtered1 self.mask = time_mask if flipy: video_filtered = np.flip(video_filtered, 2) imv = pg.ImageView() imv.setImage(video_filtered, xvals=np.min(self.t / ms) + np.arange( 0, video_filtered.shape[0] * (plot_dt / ms), plot_dt / ms)) imv.ui.histogram.gradient.setColorMap(colormap) # imv.setPredefinedGradient("thermal") # # imv.export("plot/plot_.png") return imv
[docs] def plot3d(self, plot_dt=defaultclock.dt, filtersize=10 * ms, colormap=CM_JET, levels=None, flipy= False): """ Args: plot_dt (brian2.Quantity, optional): timestep in which events are binned for plotting filtersize (brian2.Quantity, optional): filtersize of rectangular filter colormap (pyqtgraph.colormap.ColorMap, optional): colormap for on off plot levels (tuple): (min, max); the white and black level values to use (passed to pyqtgraph) Returns: pyqtgraph.ImageView: ImageView object for usage in a larger pyqtgraph plot """ try: video_filtered = self.get_filtered(plot_dt, filtersize) except MemoryError: raise MemoryError("the dt you have set would generate a too large matrix for your memory") if flipy: video_filtered = np.flip(video_filtered, 2) imv = pg.ImageView() imv.setImage(video_filtered, xvals=np.min(self.t / ms) + np.arange( 0, video_filtered.shape[0] * (plot_dt / ms), plot_dt / ms), levels=levels) imv.ui.histogram.gradient.setColorMap(colormap) # imv.setPredefinedGradient("thermal") # # imv.export("plot/plot_.png") return imv
[docs] def rate_histogram(self, filename=None, filtersize=50 * ms, plot_dt=defaultclock.dt * 100, num_bins=50): """plots a histogram of rates Args: filename (str): filename to save the histogram filtersize (brian2.Quantity, optional): filtersize of the retangular filter to calculate the rate plot_dt (brian2.Quantity, optional): binsize in which the data is binned num_bins (int, optional): number of bins of the histogram """ video_filtered = self.get_filtered(plot_dt, filtersize) histrange = (0, np.max(video_filtered)) num_bins = num_bins flat_rate_time = np.reshape( video_filtered, (video_filtered.shape[0], video_filtered.shape[1] * video_filtered.shape[2])) hist2d = np.zeros((len(flat_rate_time), num_bins)) for t in range(len(flat_rate_time)): # ,density = True) hist = np.histogram( flat_rate_time[t], bins=num_bins, range=histrange) hist2d[t] = np.log10(hist[0]) hist2d[hist2d == -np.inf] = 0 hist2d = np.flip(hist2d, 1) densetimes = np.arange( self.plotrange[0] / ms, self.plotrange[1] / ms, plot_dt / ms) pddf_rate = pd.DataFrame(data=hist2d.T, # values # 1st column as index index=np.flip( np.round(hist[1][0:(len(hist[1]) - 1)], 0), 0), columns=densetimes / 1000) plt.figure() sns_fig = sns.heatmap(pddf_rate, cmap='jet', vmax=None).get_figure() plt.xlabel('time in s') plt.ylabel('firing rate in Hz') # if filename is not None: sns_fig.savefig(str(filename) + '_ratehistogram' + '.png') plt.close()
# plt.figure() # plt.imshow(hist2d.T/np.max(hist2d))#, vmax = 0.1)
[docs] def get_dense_ifr(self, dt=50 * ms, plot=False, frames_timestamps=None): """ calculates a vector of instantaneous frequencies for every timestep dt. IFRs on timesteps without a spike are interpolated between the last two spikes :return: matrix of IFRs for every neuron and every timestep """ from functools import partial import multiprocessing if frames_timestamps is None: densetimes = np.arange( self.plotrange[0] / ms, self.plotrange[1] / ms, dt / ms) else: densetimes = frames_timestamps / ms print('dt will be ignored as you have set frame_timestamps') # denseisis = np.zeros((len(densetimes), self.cols * self.rows)) interp = partial(interpolate_isi, t=self.t_, i=self.i, densetimes=densetimes) # for i in range(self.cols * self.rows): # interpolate_isi(i) # denseisis[:, i] = interpolate_isi(i) num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count() pool = multiprocessing.Pool(num_cores - 1) indices = range(0, self.cols * self.rows) res =, indices) denseisis = np.vstack(res).T denseifrs = 1 / (denseisis / 1000) denseifrs[denseifrs == np.inf] = 0 if plot: imv = pg.ImageView() # imv.setImage(np.reshape(1/(denseisis/1000),(denseisis.shape[0],self.cols,self.rows))) # imv.setImage(np.reshape(denseisis, (denseisis.shape[0], self.cols, self.rows))) imv.setImage(np.reshape(denseifrs, (denseifrs.shape[0], self.cols, self.rows))) imv.setPredefinedGradient("thermal") # app.exec() return denseifrs, denseisis, densetimes
[docs] def ifr_histogram(self, filename=None, num_bins=50): """histogram of instantaneous frequencies Args: filename (str): filename to save the histogram num_bins (int, optional): number of bins of the histogram """ denseifrs, denseisis, densetimes = self.get_dense_ifr(dt=5 * ms) histrangeifr = (0, np.max(denseifrs)) histrangeisi = (0, np.max(denseisis)) histrangeisi = (0, 200) num_bins = num_bins hist2disi = np.zeros((len(denseisis), num_bins)) hist2difr = np.zeros((len(denseifrs), num_bins)) for t in range(len(denseisis)): # ,density = True) histisi = np.histogram( denseisis[t], bins=num_bins, range=histrangeisi) hist2disi[t] = histisi[0] # ,density = True) histifr = np.histogram( denseifrs[t], bins=num_bins, range=histrangeifr) hist2difr[t] = np.log10(histifr[0]) hist2disi = np.flip(hist2disi, 1) hist2difr = np.flip(hist2difr, 1) hist2difr[hist2difr == -np.inf] = 0 hist2difr[hist2difr == np.nan] = 0 # Make pandas df with colnames and rownames for nicer plotting with sns pddf_ifr = pd.DataFrame(data=hist2difr.T, # values # 1st column as index index=np.flip( np.round(histifr[1][0:(len(histifr[1]) - 1)], 0), 0), columns=densetimes / 1000) plt.figure() sns_fig = sns.heatmap(pddf_ifr, cmap='jet', vmax=None, cbar_kws={'label': 'log(n)'}).get_figure() # sns_fig = sns.heatmap(hist2difr.T,cmap = 'jet',xticklabels=densetimes,yticklabels=np.flip(np.round(histifr[1][0:(len(histifr[1])-1)],0),0),vmax=None).get_figure() plt.xlabel('time in s') plt.ylabel('ifr in Hz') if filename is None: else: sns_fig.savefig(str(filename) + '_ifrhistogram' + '.png') plt.close()
[docs] def savez(self, filename): """ saves the object in a sparse way. only i,t, rows and cols are saved to an npz Args: filename (str): filename under which to save the data of the plotter object """ np.savez_compressed(str(filename) + ".npz", self.i, self.t, self.pol, self.dims)
[docs] @classmethod def loadz(cls, filename): """ loads a file that has previously been saved with savez and returns a SpikeMonitor2d object usage: spikemonObject = SpikeMonitor2d.loadz(myfilename) #e.g. spikemonObject.plot3d() Args: filename (str): filename from where to load the data of the plotter object Returns: TYPE: Description """ def mon(): """Summary Returns: TYPE: Description """ return 0 try: with np.load(str(filename)) as loaded_npz: i, t, pol, dims = [loaded_npz[arr] for arr in loaded_npz] assert len(dims) == 2 mon.t = t * second mon.i = i mon.pol = pol return cls(mon, dims) except: # This is for backwards compatibility print("You are probably loading an old saved monitor!") try: with np.load(str(filename)) as loaded_npz: i, t, dims = [loaded_npz[arr] for arr in loaded_npz] mon.t = t * second mon.i = i return cls(mon, dims) except: with np.load(str(filename)) as loaded_npz: i, t, rows, cols = [loaded_npz[arr] for arr in loaded_npz] mon.t = t * second mon.i = i return cls(mon, (rows, cols))
[docs] @classmethod def loaddvs(cls, eventsfile, dims=None): """ loads a dvs numpy (events file) from aedat2numpy and returns a SpikeMonitor2d object, you can also directly pass an events array usage: spikemonObject = SpikeMonitor2d.loadz(myfilename) #e.g. spikemonObject.plot3d() Args: eventsfile (str): filename from where to load the data of the plotter object """ if type(eventsfile) == str: events = np.load(eventsfile) else: events = eventsfile mon = DVSmonitor(*list(events)) if dims is None: dims = (int(1 + np.max(mon.xi)), int(np.max(1 + mon.yi))) return cls(mon, dims)
[docs] def savecsv(self, filename): """ export data as csv not tested Args: filename (TYPE): Description """ with open(str(filename) + '.csv', 'w') as csvfile: csvwriter = csv.writer(csvfile) csvwriter.writerow(self.t / second) csvwriter.writerow(self.i)
[docs] def plot_panes(self, num_panes=None, timestep=None, filtersize=50 * ms, num_rows=2, plotfunction='plot3d', filename=None, colormap=cm.jet, **plotkwargs): """ plots the 3d data as time slices (2d images at several timepoints) Args: num_panes (int, optional): number of panes to plot timestep (TYPE, optional): timestep between panes filtersize (TYPE, optional): filtersize at which the spikes are filtered to generate the images num_rows (int, optional): number of rows of the pane plot filename (str, optional): location where to save the plot Returns: TYPE: Description """ if type(plotfunction) == str: plotfunction = getattr(self, plotfunction) if num_panes is None and timestep is None: print('please specify either num_panes or timestep') return if num_panes is not None and timestep is not None: print('please specify either num_panes or timestep, not both!') return if num_panes is not None: timestep = self.plotlength / num_panes dt = filtersize / 10 num_steps = int(np.round(timestep / dt)) video_filtered = plotfunction(plot_dt=dt, filtersize=filtersize, plot=False, **plotkwargs) # frames_per_row = num_panes//num_rows #int(len(video_filtered)/num_steps/num_rows) slice_indices = np.arange(0, num_panes * num_steps, num_steps) gw_paneplot = create_panes(video_filtered, num_rows, slice_indices, colormap=colormap) export_panes(gw_paneplot=gw_paneplot, filename=filename) return gw_paneplot
[docs] def generate_movie(self, filename, scale=None, speed=1, plotfunction='plot3d', plot_dt=10 * ms, tempfolder=os.path.expanduser('~'), ffmpegoptions='', **plotkwargs): """ This exports a movie or gif from an imageview Existing outputfiles will be overwritten This needs ffmpeg wich is installed on most linux distributions and also available for windows and mac Have a loo here: Args: filename (str): The filename in which to store the generated movie. You can choose a format that can be generated with ffmpeg like '.gif', '.mpg', '.mp4',... scale (str, optional): give pixel size as string e.g. '100x100' speed (num, optional): if the video should run faster, specify a multiplier plot_dt (given in brian2 time units): is passed to the plotfunction and determines the fps tempfolder (str, optional): the directory in which the temporary folder to store files created in the process. The temporary folder will be deleted afterwards. By default it will be created in your home directory plotfunction (str or function, optional): the function that should be used to create the gif. it has to be a function that returns a pyqtgraph imageview (or at least something similar that can export single images) like the methods of this class (plot3d, ...). For the methods, you can also pass a string to identify the plotfunction. The plotfunction has to take plot_dt as an argument ffmepgoptions (str, optional): kwargs: all other keyword agruments will be passed to the plotfunction Example usage: plotter2dobject.generate_gif('~/gifname.gif', plotfunction = 'plot3d_on_off', filtersize=100 * ms, plot_dt=50 * ms) """ desired_fps = 50 fps = np.asarray(speed / plot_dt / Hz, dtype='int') # theoretical framerate for dt pts = desired_fps / fps # frames to drop in order to get actual framerate of 30 fps (presentation timestamp) # if abs(speed / plot_dt / Hz - fps) > 0.0000001: # plot_dt = 1 / fps * second # print('Your plot_dt was rounded to', plot_dt, 'in order to fit framerate of', fps) gif_temp_dir = os.path.join(tempfolder, "gif_temp") # pgImage = self.plot3d(plot_dt=plot_dt, filtersize=filtersize) if type(plotfunction) == str: plotfunction = getattr(self, plotfunction) pgImage = plotfunction(plot_dt=plot_dt, **plotkwargs) if not os.path.exists(gif_temp_dir): os.makedirs(gif_temp_dir) try: pgImage.export(os.path.join(gif_temp_dir, "gif.png")) except AttributeError as e: print(e) print('No gif created, probably empty monitor') return # before switching to ffmpeg we used convert, which is less flexible concerning framerates # linux_command = "cd " + str(gif_temp_dir) + ";" + \ # "convert -delay "+str(delay)+" *.png "+ os.path.abspath(filename) if not '.' in filename: filename = filename + '.gif' ffmpeg_command = "cd " + \ str(gif_temp_dir) + ";" + \ "ffmpeg -f image2 -framerate " + str(desired_fps) + " -pattern_type glob -i '*.png' " # ffmpeg_command += "'setpts=" + str(pts) + "*PTS' " # control speed if scale is not None: ffmpeg_command += "-filter_complex scale=" + scale + ",setpts=" + str(pts) + "*PTS " else: ffmpeg_command += "-filter_complex setpts=" + str(pts) + "*PTS " ffmpeg_command += '-y ' # overwrite existing output files ffmpeg_command += ffmpegoptions + ' ' ffmpeg_command += os.path.abspath(filename) result = subprocess.check_output(ffmpeg_command, shell=True) print(result) shutil.rmtree(gif_temp_dir)
[docs] def calculate_pop_vector_trajectory(self, dt=50 * ms, plot=False, frames_timestamps=None): """ Calculates the trajectory of the center of mass over time. """ denseifrs, denseisis, densetimes = self.get_dense_ifr(dt=dt, frames_timestamps=frames_timestamps) denseifrs3d = np.reshape(denseifrs, (denseifrs.shape[0], self.cols, self.rows)) xsum = np.sum(denseifrs3d, axis=1) ysum = np.sum(denseifrs3d, axis=2) num_x = xsum.shape[1] num_y = ysum.shape[1] index_vector_x = np.arange(1, num_x + 1) index_vector_y = np.arange(1, num_y + 1) # calculate the weighted sum and normalize: x_center = np.inner(xsum, index_vector_x) / np.sum(xsum, axis=1) y_center = np.inner(ysum, index_vector_y) / np.sum(ysum, axis=1) if plot: plt.figure() plt.plot(x_center, y_center) plt.xlim(0, num_x) plt.ylim(0, num_y) return x_center, y_center
[docs]def interpolate_isi(ind, t=None, i=None, densetimes=None): """ interplolate interspike intervals so that there is a value at all timesteps and not just at the spike times """ from scipy.interpolate import interp1d inds = np.where(ind == i)[0] isitimes = t[inds] # if ind % 100 == 0: # print(str(ind)) if len(isitimes) > 2: interpf = interp1d(isitimes[1:], np.diff( isitimes), kind='linear', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0) return interpf(densetimes) else: return np.zeros_like(densetimes)
[docs]def visualize_3d(video): imv = pg.ImageView() imv.setImage(video) imv.setPredefinedGradient("thermal") app.exec()
[docs]def export_panes(gw_paneplot, filename): """ generates a figure file from a GraphicsWindow object :param gw_paneplot: :param filename: :return: """ QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() # without this, only the first plot is exported exp_img = pg.exporters.ImageExporter(gw_paneplot.scene()) if filename is None: elif filename.endswith('.png'): exp_img.export(filename) elif filename.endswith('.svg'): exp = pg.exporters.SVGExporter(gw_paneplot.scene()) exp.export(filename + '.svg') else: exp_img.export(filename + '_panes.png')
[docs]def create_panes(video, num_rows, slice_indices=None, colormap=cm.jet): """ :param video: the 3d matrix that should be plotted :param slice_indices: the indices of the plotted slices in the first dim of the 3d matrix :param num_rows: the number of rows for the pane plot :return: the GraphicsWindow object """ num_panes = len(slice_indices) gw_paneplot = pg.GraphicsWindow(title="pane plot") f = int(num_panes / num_rows) width = 1920 gw_paneplot.resize(width, width / f * num_rows) if slice_indices is None: slice_indices = np.arange(num_panes) vb = dict() imItems = dict() for i in range(num_panes): picture = video[slice_indices[i]] imItems[i] = pg.ImageItem(colormap(picture / np.max(video))) # imItems[i].setTitle(title=str(i*timestep)) #not possible for images vb[i] = gw_paneplot.addViewBox() vb[i].addItem(imItems[i]) if np.mod(i + 1, np.round(num_panes / num_rows)) == 0: gw_paneplot.nextRow() return gw_paneplot